Kate Winslet Credits Local Police in Helping Her Create Mare From Mare of Easttown
Kate Winslet analyzed the behavior of policewomen, sergeants, and detectives in Delaware County and elsewhere before latching on to her character of Mare in Mare of Easttown, reports codelist.biz.
Winslet recently spoke about her approach to the award-winning HBO series that captured the feel and flavor of Delaware County as it spun its murder mystery tale.
Her research lasted several months.
Winslet spent a lot of time with the Marple Township Police and Easttown Police.
“It is a different country from mine and a completely different character for me, different from everything I have done,” she said.
For Winslet, the series was more than a murder mystery.
“It’s more about community, about mercy, compassion, and sadness; and about how real people live.”
She credited a group of detective sergeants and police officers who helped her, especially a woman named Christine Blaylor.
Blaylor was a detective sergeant.
“She had a life, not exactly like Mare’s, but similar; she was a very young mother. She didn’t have great prospects and she needed to do something to give herself value and have a goal in life and she found it in the Police.”
Read more at codelist.biz about Kate Winslet’s experience preparing for the role of Mare.
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