Aronimink Golf Club’s Little Tennis Garden Has a Big Role to Play


A view of the pollinator garden at Aronimink Golf Club
Image via Julie Morse.

The garden manager at Aronimink Golf Club in Newtown Square, Julie Morse, has a recommendation for ambitious pollinator gardeners, writes Andrew Hartsock for Golf Course Management Magazine.

“I think I’d just say, ‘Think about planting on a small scale and working your way up,’” says Morse.

She adds, “Even small areas can have a big impact.”

Like the garden near the Aronimink Golf Club tennis center. It’s about 1,000 square feet but its impact is bigger than the space.

“It’s one of my favorite garden areas at Aronimink,” she says, “especially the first part of the day. The lighting is so beautiful.”

“It’s an area I like to showcase when I do garden tours with the members. Some of them don’t even know it’s there,” she says.

The area is an example of how to use sustainable landscaping to benefit wildlife.

The tennis center garden has milkweed for butterflies, and pollinator plants encourage bees and other pollinators.

In the summer, it becomes a learning lab for a camp of about 30 to 40 children.

Aronimink runs the camp and has been a Certified Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary since 2015.

Read more at Golf Course Management Magazine about Julie Morse and Aronimink Golf Club’s little garden.

This video promotes the history, renovations and PGA status of the Aronimink Golf Club.

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