Man Walking from Washington D.C. Travels Though Bucks County on His Way to New York City


Bucks County
Image via Neil King.
The hiker made his way through Bucks County as he walked to the Big Apple.

As he made his way from one major city to another, one man walked through Bucks County during his epic trek through the Northeast. Luke Mullins wrote about the trip for the Washingtonian.

Neil King decided he was going to walk from Washington D.C. to New York City. As many local residents may know, Bucks County is one of many areas to either travel near or through.

For King, he decided to walk through the county, making his way through Doylestown and into Washington Crossing to see where the namesake historical event took place.

“If you go out over multiple days and walk a stretch of territory that you’ve put some thought into, it’s so incomparably different than driving it,” King said. “You see the continuum and you fall into a kind of trance.”

King has written a book on his experiences on the walk he took. “American Ramble: A Walk of Memory and Renewal” will be published by HarperCollins on April 4.

Read more about King’s epic walk in the Washingtonian.


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