New Lowe’s Brings Jobs to Brookhaven


A man and a woman employee at Lowe's.
The new Lowe's in Brookhaven will create 140 jobs. Photo courtesy of Lowe's.

The new Lowe’s in the shopping plaza on Edgemont Avenue recently celebrated its grand opening, bringing 140 new jobs to Brookhaven and the surrounding area, writes Anne Neborak for the Daily Times.

The grand opening saw families celebrating with games, a building clinic for kids, as well as Taste of the Town, in which local restaurants got the chance to showcase their delicacies.

The event also included the presentation of a check for $2,500 from Lowe’s staff to Eric Kuminka, principal of Coebourn Elementary School, for a much-needed projector.

“This is a great time to be part of this community,” said Frank Vegliante, the store manager.

The store offers a huge variety of lighting, kitchen, and bathroom displays to make it easier for customers to imagine how they could look in their home.

“We have geared much of the store to women customers, as 80 percent of women purchase appliances in the home,” said Vegliante. “Here, they can visually see how things will look in their houses.”

Read more about the new Lowe’s in the Daily Times by clicking here.

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