Delco Anglers Make Sure There’s Fishing in Delaware County


Members of the Delco Anglers transfer brook trout from the nursery tank to a trailer tank fr transport to a nearby creek.
Image via Delco Angler Vice President Kevin Gallagher.
Members of the Delco Anglers transfer brook trout from the nursery tank to a trailer tank fr transport to a nearby creek.

For 62 years, the Delco Anglers & Conservationists have been checking on the fishing in Delaware County, writes Peg DeGrassa for the Daily Times.

The all-volunteer group stock the six local creeks—Ridley, Ithan, Darby, Little Darby, Chester, West Branch Chester—with brook trout and golden trout.

These local men and women are dedicated to preserving, improving, and expanding fishing in the county.

The volunteers come from all over the county, sharing a passion for fishing and protecting the environment.

“We come from all walks of life,” explained board member and assistant nursery manager Martin O’Kane. “We have over 100 members, all volunteers, who bring their passion for fishing to the table.”

O’Kane, of Drexel Hill, has been a Delco Angler for seven years.

“I grew up in Ireland and have fished all over the world through my life,” O’Kane said.

He was hooked on Delco Anglers after he saw some volunteers at a fish nursery at Ridley Creek.

“I’ve loved every minute of it since.”

Pennsylvania will stock Delaware County creeks with rainbow, golden and brown trout, but not brook trout.

Delco anglers fill the void by raising 4,000 brook trout for stocking.

Read more about the work of the Delco Anglers in the Daily Times.

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