Who in Delaware County Would Benefit From a Higher Minimum Wage in PA?


$7.25 Minimum Wage
Image via iStock.

A new report by the Keystone Research Center shows that 60,000 workers in Delaware County would benefit by raising the minimum wage to $15 by 2026.

That’s 20 percent of Delaware County’s workforce. Of those, 28 percent are over age 40, while 15 percent are 19 or younger.

For Pennsylvania workers, 1.24 million, or 21 percent, would benefit by raising the minimum wage to $15 by 2026.

The average full-time, year-round worker earning below minimum wage would see a $2 per hour raise, increasing wages overall by $5 billion and providing a significant economic stimulus.

So who would benefit the most? 

-Women and women of color. They are 60 percent of Pennsylvania workers, and they make up the majority of home health and personal care aid jobs, where demand for workers is growing.

“In order to fill these vitally important jobs now and in the future, pay for these positions can’t be allowed to leave families struggling to make ends meet,” the report states.

–White and non-Hispanic workers

–People of color.

–Parents.  A bump in the minimum wage would help with childcare expenses, which can use up between 8 to 20 percent or more of a median family income.

–Rural workers.

–Workers in educational services, healthcare, and social assistance jobs, wholesale, and the retail trade industry.

Dig deeper to find out what kind of impact a $15 an-hour minimum wage would have on Pennsylvania workers in the  Keystone Research Center report.

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