Pizza Delivery Man Foils Car Thief by Tripping Him During Chase


Tyler Morrell delivering pizzas at a Preston Avenue home in MIddletown during the police chase
Image via Tik Tok
Tyler Morrell delivering pizzas at a Preston Avenue home in MIddletown during the police chase

Tyler Morrell was delivering two pizzas to a home on Preston Avenue in Middletown Sunday at about 3:15, never imagining he’d be helping police apprehend a suspect, writes Pete Bannan for the Daily Times.

As he was making the delivery he heard sirens and saw a car zoom past the home, followed by police.

Then there was a screech and suddenly the car, estimated by Morrell to be going about 80 mph, was on a front lawn. It had crashed into a utility pole.

The driver of the stolen vehicle ran from the crashed vehicle, past Morrell, who stuck out a leg and tripped him.

 “I made the decision. I have to help in some way, but I was never considering throwing the pizza,” he laughed. “I don’t need to get fired.”

The suspect went flying, Morrell said, making it easy for police to apprehend him.  

A 19-year-old passenger was stopped by police a short distance away.

Brookhaven Police Chief Michael Vice said the crashed car, a 2012 Kia, was reported stolen Saturday from Upper Darby.

The driver, a 17-year-old boy, took off at a high speed when police spotted the vehicle.

Read more about Tyler Morrell and this unusual end to a high-speed chase in the Daily Times.

Here’s the Tik Tok video that captured the moment Morrell stopped the suspect.

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