Plastic Bags Now Banned From Media, Haverford


The new year brought with it a plastic bag ban in Haverford Township and Media Borough, reports 6abc staff.

That means shopping in both communities will require bringing your own reusable bags or paying extra for a paper bag at checkout.

“I remembered to bring my bag today, I didn’t think I would. It’s going to be a little hard but you get used to it. It will do good for the environment,” said Marie Nemetz from Havertown.

Eric Persson from Havertown said it’s actually easier to carry out groceries with reusable bags because they hold more.

Shops in Media that violate the ban will be fined $300  starting July 1, 2023.

In Haverford, fines for shop violations are $500 per violation.

Businesses in those communities will also stop offering plastic straws. Haverford customers can continue requesting a plastic straws at dining establishments.

Tom McCormack, owner of C&M Sporting Goods, said the paper bags are more expensive to order than plastic ones.

“From a business standpoint unfortunately there is an increased cost for the paper, or the reusable bags, as opposed to the plastic. So long term it could be a negative effect, but we’ll see,” said McCormack.

Read more about the plastic bag bans at 6abc.


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