West Chester IT Consultant Offers Ways to Help Businesses Stand Out On Social Media This Holiday Season


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No matter what industry your business is in, December is a busy month, especially when it comes to social media advertising. Whether it’s people buying gifts for holidays, ordering food for holiday parties, or finally getting around to that project they’ve been putting off, you can be assured that your busy season is here. 

With the arrival of this busy season comes an uptick in competition. Money that was formerly spent elsewhere may now be put towards advertisements, as businesses try to cash in on the busy months of this holiday season. 

If you’re a small business chances are advertising is not a top priority for you. There are so many aspects to running a successful business, and making sure your business runs smoothly certainly takes precedence. West Chester-based technology and digital marketing consultant IT Edge wants you to know that you don’t have to spend millions of dollars in advertising to stand out amongst the crowd. 

Are you interested in knowing how? Keep reading to find out!

Social Media Advertising is Free Advertising

When going up against multi-billion dollar corporations with unlimited advertising budgets, standing out can seem like an impossible task. However, with the help of your local premiere digital marketer, you can stand out. 

IT Edge knows that one of the keys to running a successful business, especially a small business, is an active social media presence. Social media is beneficial for a multitude of reasons.

First off, it’s free! Social media provides a free way to get your message into the world and build up name recognition. 

Second of all, it’s massive! Not only is social media free to use and post on, it’s also a channel to millions of people and untapped customers. When spending money on advertising campaigns, most people worry about the cost and whether or not their advertisement is even being received. With an active social media presence, you don’t have to worry about money, and you get direct access to statistics to see how many people your post is actually reaching.

Bolster Your Social Media For Better Results

While social media channels may act as a form of free advertising, they do require some work. It is important for your business to keep up with their social media presence in order to see consistent and tangible results.

While social media is a great way to promote sales, specials, or other unique opportunities at  your business, it is also a great way to let your personality shine through. When people conduct business with local and small businesses, they like to get to know the person behind the company. 

IT Edge believes that showing some of your personality on social media helps potential customers see beyond the company, into the person running things. You can take this opportunity to post things about yourself or members of your business. Both of these types of content are unique, and can help to attract viewers who may not have otherwise come across your business. 

Whatever you post, it’s important to have a posting schedule. The more frequently and consistently your social media page is updated, the more chances potential customers will have to see it. If you go long bouts of time without any modifications to your online presence, interest will eventually fade away. 

Connect with IT Edge Today

Are you interested in setting up and running a social media page, but don’t think you have the time? Don’t worry, IT Edge can do it for you. IT Edge has been a small business for over 30 years, so they know how valuable your time is, especially during the holiday season.
Leave the social media posting to them, while you focus on keeping up with the extra business you’ll be getting.

Contact IT Edge today to get started with social media advertising.


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