Tuesday with Michael: 4 Simple Steps to an Ideal Life


Michael Gidlewski

Assemble an ideal week. Start by finding blocks of time for your family, High Payoff Activities (HPA’s) and for planning. Add and arrange other blocks of time to your schedule until you have identified an ideal week that allows you to enjoy personal time as well as time to spend on your most important goals.  String together several weeks and you build your ideal month and then your ideal year.

A major function of the monthly plan is for scheduling appointments that you make with yourself in blocks of time. Schedule all free time for yourself and your family first. Schedule all goal-directed activities second. This is a powerful pattern to develop and one that will give you a slight edge in business over the length of your career. This idea of blocking time for what matters most will pay huge dividends during your lifetime.  Most importantly, put your HPA’s, and goal-directed activity on the list first when you have optimal energy.

Set aside blocks of time when you are not interrupted so you can concentrate and do high-level thinking. With this process, you will be able to maintain a smoother workflow, get more done in less time and be less stressed. Be sure to plan in time for rest, fun, and quiet too.

If it is important and requires a specific block of time be proactive and schedule it! Unless you block the time out, it will seldom become available. Here are several techniques to help you stay on track with your goals.

1. Refuse to work on any activity unless it is first scheduled in your planner. Develop this habit of planning to make the rest of your life easier.

2. Make your schedule monthly, review it weekly and adjust it daily.  Never start the day without a plan.  Develop this habit and you will have greater control over your life, experience less stress, and create bigger and better results.

3. Refuse to be interrupted while you are concentrating your effort on what matters most.  Turn off your phone and alerts during blocked-out times. Doing this one thing will increase your effectiveness and you will enjoy the freedom of being much more in control of your life.

4. Because collaborating with others is an important part of work, be sure to block open times for others to meet with you.  When people know that you have open spaces of time to answer questions or give input, they will be less likely to interrupt during the times when you have blocked off your calendar for work, rest, or critical thinking. Remember, it is just as important to keep commitments to yourself as it is to other people!

Over the long-run optimum time blocking allows you to move toward your personal and professional goals much faster with more energy. Run these activities through the filter of your goals and HPA’s to make sure you are on track to accomplish “what really matters most” and live a deeply satisfied life.

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