Career Corner: 3 Anti-Racist Everyday Actions You Can Take at Work

Racial Discrimination

Even with the best of intentions, discriminatory practices can still creep into your workplace. A lack of communication with underrepresented demographics can lead to perpetuating actions that create an unfair environment for those individuals.

Michelle Garcia reports on the matter for The Muse, explaining how being anti-racist is beyond simply reacting to problems of racist behavior when it happens, but being proactive to take action to prevent such behavior from happening. And there are many techniques you can take the initiative on to help create that fairer workplace

Ask for Feedback

Don’t assume that if a BIPOC individual has an issue they will find the work environment comfortable enough to speak up about it.

If you are the boss, solicit that feedback to make it clear you are open to having those conversations and hearing criticism of what you can do better.

Combat Microaggressions

Microaggressions are one manifestation of how a hostile work environment does not always have to be deliberate.

For instance, something a person intended as a compliment could unintentionally evoke racial stereotypes, such as praising how well-spoken a foreign person is.

Be vigilant for these transgressions in your own actions, and the behavior of your colleagues. Use these as teaching moments about behaviors that can unintentionally cause BIPOC employees to feel ostracized.

Lift Up Other Voices

It is admirable to desire to be an ally, but don’t let that become you speaking on behalf of marginalized people. The best method to inform others of the struggles underrepresented people face is to let them do the talking.

But you can use your position to help by sharing their posts, inviting them to speak at events and other methods that amplify their voice and give them a better platform to be heard.

If you are waiting for members of racial minorities at the workplace to speak up before you take action, you are already starting from behind. Part of creating equity means to anticipate and accommodate the needs of others before it snowballs into a major issue. I

t is a learning process, but it is necessary to create a workplace truly welcoming of diversity.

For more reading on what you can do to act in an anti-racist manner, consult the article from The Muse found here.


Wilmington University, the sponsor of DELCO Today — Career Corner, is a private, open-access institution that serves more than 20,000 adults, including those seeking advancement through higher education and traditional-age students who aspire to become successful global citizens.

One of the most affordable private universities in the Delaware Valley, WilmU is committed to the idea that finishing an undergraduate degree or obtaining a master’s or doctoral degree can be affordable and accessible.

The University offers over 200 accredited and career-relevant degree and certificate programs in flexible online and hybrid formats designed to accommodate adults of all ages who work full- or part-time or juggle demanding career, family, and personal schedules.

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