Settlement Agreement Allows Drexeline Town Center to Move Forward


The Delaware County Court of Common Pleas approved a settlement agreement negotiated by Upper Darby Township, the Upper Darby Township Zoning Hearing Board, and the developer of Drexeline Town Center with township residents who filed a lawsuit opposing the zoning board’s approval of the project.

Under the terms of the settlement agreement, the appellants have agreed to drop their opposition to the project. In exchange, the developer has agreed to:

  • provide a community garden consisting of an area that spans 70 feet by 20 feet along Darby Creek
  • seek approval of a land development plan that reduces the initial plan’s 80 percent impervious coverage to 75 percent
  • utilize pervious materials to construct the walking path along a portion of the trail along Darby Creek
  • use energy efficient windows, as well as paints and stains with low volatile organic compounds (VOCs)

Also, Upper Darby Mayor Tom Micozzie agreed to appoint one of the appellants to the township’s Environmental Advisory Committee. The appellants have agreed not to challenge the land development in the settlement agreement.

A separate provision of the agreement memorializes a priority established by Mayor Tom Micozzie: coordinating a meeting with the building and construction trade unions and the developer to discuss opportunities for union labor on the project.

“I am pleased that all parties were able to come together, work through these issues, and reach a compromise that allows this project to move forward and make much-needed improvements to the current shopping center,” said Micozzie.

He noted that the redevelopment of the Drexeline property will result in the creation of jobs in the building and construction industry, result in increased tax revenues for the township and Upper Darby School District, and reduce the property’s current level of stormwater runoff.

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