Wallingford’s Ship Bottom Brewery Set to Expand to Jersey Shore
Delaware County’s Ship Bottom Brewery is now equipped to take its business to the next level.
According to a report in the Philadelphia Business Journal, Robert Zarko, the owner of the Wallingford-based brewery he named after the borough in Long Beach Island, has received a sum of $650,000 to lease a production facility in Beach Haven, N.J.
Zarko, who founded the small-batch brewery in 2012, recently received $350,000 from a total of six investors and $300,000 in the form of a private loan. The money will be used to acquire 2,100 square feet of space at 830 North Bay Avenue.
The space is targeted to be complete in June.
Compared with what Zarko describes as his current “homegrown system,” the new production facility will have commercially available equipment, a full taproom, a canning line, and the space to increase production to up to 2,500 barrels a year.
Not bad for the former one-barrel operation that existed in Zarko’s two-car garage.
Ship Bottom, which produced only 40 barrels in 2013, will now be able to supply its distributors with kegs and cases for New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware, where the demand for its signature Barnacle Bottom Stout is high.
“We’re going to push production so we can get our brand out to different markets,” said Zarko, who began home-brewing in 1995. “A lot of the beer is going to stay in house at first at the taproom while we see how our sales go.”
Flights, growlers, and six-packs of beer will be served at the taproom in Beach Haven.
After the summer season, Zarko said the brewery will “re-evaluate what we’d like to do at that building.”
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