Area Wrestler Helped Jason Kelce, Lane Johnson Prep for Wrestlemania


Pro wrestler Luke DiSangro with wrestler and actor CM Punk in December of 2022
Image via Steve DiSangro.
Luke DiSangro (shown above with CM Punk) gave wrestling training to Jason Kelce and Lane Johnson for their Wrestlemania debut.

Everyone knew retired Philadelphia Eagles center Jason Kelce and Eagles offensive tackle Lane Johnson would be attending Wrestlemania.

Not too many people thought they’d mix it up in the ring.

Kelce and Johnson showed up April 6 at Lincoln Financial as a pair of masked men, jumping into the ring to help wrestlers Ray Mysterio and Andrade against Santos Escobar and Dominik Mysterio.

They pulled off the feat with help from Luke DiSangro, a Bucks County professional wrestler with autism.

DiSangro was asked to help Kelce and Johnson get ready for the surprise Wrestlemania appearance.

They worked it out at the Monster Factory, a South Jersey wrestling school where DiSangro had trained as a teenager.

“It was really, really cool,” DiSangro said.

Kelce and Johnson learned how to run the ropes, perform a body slam, throw a clothesline and drop an elbow during their afternoon training session.

“They were a little hesitant, but it’s the same thing for all of us on our first day,” DiSangro said.

They learned really fast and once they had the proper form, it became natural, DiSangro said.

Read more about DiSangro’s love of wrestling and obstacles he had to overcome in The Philadelphia Inquirer.

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