Guy’s Foods Deli Celebrates 50 Years With Fresh Food and a Personal Touch


Charlie Frederick, left, of Darby Township, a customer for over 40 years, talks to Guy’s staff members, from left, Samantha Fail of Secane, Damian Penater of Springfield and Cailin Bauer-Smith of Glenolden, as they slice his cold cuts and fill his order
Image via Peg DeGrassa, Daily Times.
Charlie Frederick, left, of Darby Township, a customer for over 40 years, talks to Guy’s staff members, from left, Samantha Fail of Secane, Damian Penater of Springfield and Cailin Bauer-Smith of Glenolden, as they slice his cold cuts and fill his order.

When your customers keep coming back decade after decade, generation after generation, you’re probably doing something right, writes Peg DeGrassa for the Daily Times.

Guy’s Foods, Cold Cuts and Catering, in the Briarcliffe section of Darby Township, has been doing something right since 1974.

This year is their 50th anniversary.

“I consistently get what I want every single time I come here,” said Margaret Fisher of Secane, an 18-year customer.

The fresh food is tops, but the people that work there are even better. You can tell, because employee turnover is very low.

Guy’s owner Joe Zane of Springfield, a Cardinal O’Hara High School graduate, credits his staff and their upbeat customer service, with keeping the business thriving.

“They’re the reason this store has been successful for all these years,” he said.

The family-owned and operated deli is a  “homey,” “old fashioned” kind of place that gives off a mom-and-pop vibe.

Customers come from Ridley, from Broomall, from all over, bypassing supermarket delis to make sure their lunchmeats are cut right.

“The people who work here are the best,” Zane said.

Read more about owner Joe Zane and about the workers and staff that make Guy’s Foods special in the Daily Times.

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