There’s a Store in Broomall That’s Teaching Students Life Skills


There’s a school store at the Delaware County Intermediate Unit’s Marple Education Center that’s teaching life skills to students, writes Matteo Iadonisi for 6abc.

The Center serves Delaware County students to age 21 who have special needs outside a regular classroom.

“Although our students may seem different than what’s the social norm, they enjoy life just like we enjoy life, and they want to be part of the community just as we are,” said Nicole Campbell, a transition life skills teacher at the DCIU.

The store, 85 North Café, is named after the school’s address.

85 North Cafe provides chips, soda, and candy to students and faculty and gives student workers a chance to interact with customers, exchange money, restock goods, and use other skills.

The goal is to prepare them for life after they age out of the program.

“Opportunities are limited, and some of our students don’t pursue that traditional path of life, going to college or pursuing a career,” said Campbell. “But whether it is volunteer work or moving out and getting their own place, or different adult day programs and home community supports, there are so many different things out there that they might pursue.”

Read more about this unique life skills program and 85 North Cafe at 6abc.

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