Cabrini University Expands Opportunities for Students with Ursinus College Partnership
Cabrini University is announcing a partnership with Ursinus College to ensure matching tuition, financial aid, curriculum, and the streamlining of credit transfer and application processes for Cabrini’s first-year, sophomore, and junior students.
Ursinus is the fourth institution—along with Eastern University, Gwynedd Mercy University, and Holy Family University—to officially partner with Cabrini.
The Ursinus teach-out agreement provides benefits that include simple and cost-free applications, free transcripts, and the seamless transferring of all earned credits with no maximum.
The agreement also ensures all earned credits while a Cabrini University student, regardless of the grade, will be accepted for transfer credits, unless a specific grade is required for the degree program at the partner school.
Cabrini honors students will be transferred to the honors program at their partner institution of choice.
The agreements include a commitment to program-to-program curriculum matching, as partner schools will evaluate Cabrini students’ remaining classes and teach out those courses. Additionally, partners have agreed to match Cabrini’s tuition and financial aid accommodations to further smooth transitions.
Cabrini’s undergraduate and graduate students will each have one-on-one meetings with the University’s Center for Student Success this year to understand how the specific offerings of the four partner institutions can work for their individual needs.
Not all partner schools offer all of Cabrini’s degree programs and advisors will work with students to ensure they choose a viable transfer pathway.
Students must be in good academic, conduct, and financial standing to receive these benefits and transfer to a partner school in 2024.
“For 66 years, our students, faculty and staff have left an enduring mark in our community, dedicated to academic excellence, leadership development and a commitment to social justice. We plan this year to actively celebrate this history along with our mission, ministry, and legacy,” said Cabrini University President Helen Drinan.
For more details on these partnerships visit
More information about Ursinus College.
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