KoP Mall Gains New Draw: Add Zombie Apocalypse Survival to the Shopping and Dining
Anyone who thinks of King of Prussia Mall merely in terms of its shopping, dining, and socializing advantages can now add another: It’s been identified nationally as a good place to survive a zombie apocalypse. Emily Block explained in The Philadelphia Inquirer.
The unconventional accolade to Montgomery County’s retail mecca came from JeffBet, an online casino from the United Kingdom.
The company — perhaps inspired by the video game and HBO series The Last of Us with an undead cast — evaluated 20 U.S. shopping malls as safe havens.
The analysis weighed eight survivability factors:
- Demand
- Infection risk
- Shelter suitability
- Food provisions
- Weapon access
- Medicine access
- Mental stimulation
- Chances of rescue
King of Prussia Mall was rated No. 3; its chance-of-rescue factor was particularly strong.
No. 1 was Millcreek Mall in Erie, Pa.
Low foot traffic there — a statistic disputed by its owner — was seen as a health advantage, able to keep zombie cross-contamination low.
The only other Pennsylvania indoor shopping destination noted was Monroeville Mall, outside Pittsburgh.
The timing of the JeffBet evaluations was not mentioned; however, as every shopper knows, on Black Friday, no mall is immune from vacant-eyed inhabitants shambling incoherently down retail hallways.
More on the safety of malls from a zombie apocalypse is at The Philadelphia Inquirer.
As this Stranger Things clip shows, zombies aren’t the only threat malls occasionally endure.
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