Clothes Quarters in Folsom Looking Busy Again as Kids Go Back to Class


On a recent visit to Clothes Quarters in Folsom, workers were putting together aprons for cafeteria staff at an unnamed Delaware County high school, reports Katherine Scott for

Clothes Quarters, which has sold school uniforms since 1960, is stocked and ready to go for the new school season.

“It’s been two years. Everyone’s grown out of their clothes, so it’s just been bonkers in here,” said store president David Wiesen.

Last summer, sales were slow since people were uncertain about schools opening and students were learning virtually at home.

Not so, this year.

“As everybody knows, last year it was just trying to get by, trying to get through the pandemic,” said manager John Hall.

“This year it’s been picking up already,” said store associate Dana Pavone.

Clothes Quarters expects things to stay hectic as the first day of school nears.

“We do have a reputation of having everything in stock. So they know if they come two days before, we’re going to have everything for them,” Hall said.

“It’s just great. Everyone’s excited to go back, as well as the parents,” Pavone said with a laugh.

Read more at about Clothes Quarters and the new school year.

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