PA State Grants Represent Progress in STEMming the Tide of Gaps in Science Education


STEM curricula in Pennsylvania
Image via Katerina Holmes at Pexels.

Governor Tom Wolf is continuing the rollout of his PAsmart initiative with the announcement of $10.8 million in PAsmart Advancing Grants. Funding will expand STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and computer science curricula in schools statewide. 

Together with the PAsmart Targeted Grants announced last year, the Wolf administration has awarded close to $20 million in STEM support. 

“Workers in all types of jobs increasingly need to use computers and technology,” said the Governor. “These grants will help our schools and communities to expand STEM and computer science education. That will strengthen our workforce, so businesses can grow, and workers have good jobs that can support a family.” 

PAsmart Advancing Grants will fund: 

  • After-school programs in robotics and artificial intelligence 
  • STEM partnerships between school districts and higher education institutions to provide college credits and industry credentials  
  • Grass-roots collaborations to provide STEM opportunities for underserved learners 

The full list of grant recipients is available at the program’s website

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