Glen Mills School Becomes Medical Center for Non-Coronavirus Patients Should Area Hospitals be Overwhelmed With Pandemic Cases
First the Glen Mills School became Delaware County’s COVID-19 emergency center.
Now, it’s going to double as a medical station to handle non-coronavirus patients from area overcrowded and overwhelmed hospitals, freeing them to focus on treating COVID-19 patents, writes Jonathan Tamari and Vinny Vella for The Philadelphia Inquirer.
Up to 7oo volunteers are being sought to support the site (see related post).
“There are no borders in this pandemic,” said Timothy Boyce, head of Delaware County’s Department of Emergency Services. “Delaware County has been planning for this as a region, and we’re capable of hosting this facility. We’re not hopeful for it, but we are grateful to be able to play this role.”
The campus could be used as a medical center to host noncritical patients and free up space at medical facilities swamped by coronavirus cases.
Boyce described the school as an obvious choice: It meets the requirements of the federal government for space and utilities. There’s also room for helicopters to land on the 800-acre property.
The school has already been re-purposed by the county as a hub for volunteers to distribute supplies, coordinate communication and provide a place for exposed first responders.
Read more about this new federal medical center here.
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