Tuesdays with Michael: Are You Working on It or Doing the Work? Part 2
By Peter Demarest
Last week, we looked at some of the reasons why making changes in how we think, which we must do if we want to achieve new things, can be so hard.
I then introduced the rise of a new kind of “soft skill” called Valuegenic Self-Leadership that is foundational to virtually all other skills and is proving to be a game-changer in people’s lives and work.
Now let’s dive deeper into the principles and practices of Valuegenic Self-Leadership and the science behind it.
What’s a Breakthrough?
Most people relate the concept of “breakthrough” with results, but given that, new results require new thinking, consider this definition:
- “A significant shift in THINKING that removes barriers, reveals possibilities, and LEADS TO unprecedented results.”
“A significant shift in THINKING … ”
A shift in thinking is not necessarily a change in what you think, but a change in how you think – the perspective from which you consider an issue. For example, you can look at something from the perspective of short-term costs or gains and also from the perspective of long-term costs and benefits.
“ … that removes barriers, reveals possibilities … “
A “significant shift” is also one that allows you to “see” beyond assumptions, past views, limiting beliefs, or preconceptions to see possibilities that you had not previously seen or considered. In short: a significant shift in thinking that takes you “outside of the box.”
“ … and LEADS TO unprecedented results.”
What ultimately defines a breakthrough is that a significant shift in THINKING and the possibilities revealed as a result galvanize you to take actions that produce unprecedented results.
Every invention, innovation, and every significant performance improvement or unprecedented achievement is preceded by a significant shift in THINKING that removes barriers and reveals possibilities.
What might be a motivator for making such shifts in thinking? The pursuit of value! Value (goodness – improved quality of life) is the driving force of the human mind and spirt. Every decision you have ever made and every deliberate action you have ever taken was based on what you thought, believed, or justified as being “right” or “best” – at least for you. Furthermore, every mistake you have ever made was, essentially, caused by a misjudgment of that value proposition.
At the heart of human endeavor is a question we have come to call The Central Question of Life, Love, and Leadership:
- “What choice can I make and what action can I take, in this moment, to create the greatest net value?”
The essence of this question is so deeply embedded in the psyche of the human mind that we are mostly unaware of how much it influences our decisions and actions.
Unfortunately, the human mind has a strong tendency to add the words “for me” at the end of such questions. The moment you do that, you inadvertently engage specific ways of thinking that have a high potential to undermine the quality of your decisions and actions and the value you can create.
Real success in life is not about the value you get, but rather, the value you CREATE.
If you want to maximize the quality of your life, your relationships, your performance, or your leadership, start by asking yourself The Central Question as a way to adopt a valuegenic mindset and to focus your efforts on creating value, not just getting it.
Asking yourself The Central Question (with no “for me” at the end) is the first step in creating a “significant shift in thinking.” It is also the first and most fundamental practice of Valuegenic Self-Leadership. By giving serious consideration to the question, you will naturally be more conscientious in your decision-making.
The next step is learning to how to use the wisdom you already have to accurately answer The Central Question. This is the key to consistently achieving “unprecedented results.”
Next week, I’ll give you some additional insights and tools to help you further enhance your ability to answer The Central Question.
Meanwhile, write down The Central Question on a piece of paper. Post it everywhere. Carry it with you. Start asking yourself the question whenever you are faced with a decision, find yourself procrastinating or feeling overwhelmed, or if you are in or perhaps going into a stressful situation.
It is the fastest and surest way to give yourself a breakthrough.
If you want to dramatically accelerate your ability to produce a breakthrough in your life or work, consider signing up for The Self-Leadership Breakthrough Workshop on Feb. 19 that Michael Gidlewski and I will be co-facilitating. Because great leadership starts with great SELF-Leadership, attending this workshop may well be THE best answer to The Central Question. Click here for more information and registration.
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