Foundation Gives $20,000 to Support Neumann Health Sciences Center


Nicholas F. Quercetti, John S. Di Giorgio, Esq. and Dr. Chris Domes, Neumann University president

Nicholas F. Quercetti, chairman of the UNICO Village Foundation, and John S. Di Giorgio, Esq., president of the foundation, recently presented Dr. Chris Domes, Neumann University president, with a check for $20,000 to support the university’s radio station and new Health Sciences Center.

The foundation is a local branch of a national Italian-American service organization.

Key components of the 17,000-square-foot building are six physical therapy/athletic training labs, a state-of-the-art nursing instruction auditorium that can accommodate 300 students, and a two-story atrium.

The additional space provided by the Center will facilitate the education of nurses, physical therapists, athletic trainers, and exercise and nutrition specialists, preparing young men and women to serve in healthcare professions in the tri-state area.

Neumann radio, WNUW 98.5, broadcasts 24/7 with students and faculty hosting a variety of programs, including sports talk, jazz, and rock.

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