Parents in Haverford Township Struggle to Find After-School Child Care


Image via the Philadelphia Inquirer.

Parents in Haverford are struggling to find child-care solutions while they are at work, since the after-hours program at the township’s elementary schools left many of them scrambling, writes Maria Panaritis for the Philadelphia Inquirer.

The program for next fall filled up mere hours after registration began, and it will leave around 100 children without care starting at 3:30 PM.

Finding a solution is not easy in a compact suburb where there’s a scarcity of affordable homes within such a strong public school district.

Now, parents are banding together, having e-mailed the agency that runs the program, the principal, and top school district officials.


“The infrastructure is not there to support families with two incomes,” said biologist Samantha Soldan.

Soldan and her husband are among the families who did not get a slot in the program this year. They currently spend close to $25,000 a year for child care for their two sons.

Family Support Services in Haverford has tried to keep up with the demand, but has run into a wall. It cannot expand without more space, and the district says it has no more to give.

Read more about the child-care bind in Haverford Township in the Philadelphia Inquirer by clicking here.

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