SAP’s CEO Tells Forbes the Trust Business Leaders Earn Daily Can Change World


On July 26th, Bill McDermott, CEO of Newtown Square’s SAP, hosted the inaugural ‘We The Future’ summit for students, young professionals, and congressional leaders at the National Constitution Center to encourage the younger generation to shape their own future, writes Dan Schawbel for Forbes.

In his interview with Forbes, McDermott talks about the importance of empowering future leaders and the role of businesses in creating positive change in the world among other things.

According to him, businesses have a huge responsibility in attempting to solve world’s greatest challenges.
“For one, because these challenges are also the world’s biggest opportunities,” said McDermott, “but also because businesses have to constantly earn people’s trust.”

When asked how both he and SAP would benefit from hosting a conference focused on empowering younger generations, McDermott commented that everybody benefits from stopping to consider what kind of world we want both for ourselves and for following generations.

“If we can create opportunities for all generations to come together and collaborate about solving the world’s challenges, we’ll seize those moments” he noted.

Read the full interview at Forbes by clicking here.

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