Recruit Employees on DELCO Today



Employers who hire locally not only retain talent longer but foster greater community involvement, ensure dollars are invested back into the local economy, and reduce the environmental impact of long commutes.

DELCO Today offers recruiters what no other platform can – a well-educated, experienced and engaged Delaware County audience.

DELCO Today’s audience is:

  • Affluent: 72% of DELCO Today’s readers have household incomes of over $50,000, 21% are over $150,000.
  • Educated: 69% of PIVOT Today readers have an undergraduate or graduate degree, 56-percent above the national average.
  • Experienced: 62% of PIVOT Today readers are between 35 and 65 years-old.
  • Engaged: 75% of PIVOT Today are somewhat (50%) or actively (25%) engaged in their community.
  • Informed: PIVOT Today readers are 3-times more likely to follow local, regional and nation news on a diversity of media outlets including PBS (4.46x), CNN (2.48x), Fox News (2.24x) and MSNBC (2.11x) than the average American.

There are a variety of ways that you can leverage DELCO Today to fill open career positions:

  • Career Post: a post of 200-250 words focused on up to three open positions inserted in at least one morning and afternoon PIVOT Today email newsletter.
  • Social Media Promotion: links to the post inserted into PIVOT Today’s Facebook and LinkedIn news stream and boosted to reach additional 1,000 to 3,000 county residents.
  • End of Post Banner: a block ad, measuring 640 x 150 pixels, with links back to your career page.
  • Front/Post Page Block Ad: a block ad, measuring 188 x 324 pixels, seen by 1,000 daily visitors to PIVOT Today’s visitors.
  • Focused E-Mail – All Subscribers: an e-mail promoting a career opening sent to all 7,000 PIVOT Today subscribers.
  • Top of E-Mail Banner: measuring 1024 × 264 pixels and sent to 7,000 daily subscribers.
  • Bottom of E-Mail Banner: measuring 1024 × 264 pixels and sent to 7,000 daily subscribers.

Call Kim at (484) 881-3607 ext. 101 to explore how PIVOT Today can help you fill your next career opening.