How I Landed a Job After Networking on Clubhouse
If you think it’s crazy to network on Clubhouse and land a job, think again. The interview happened the next morning at 8 AM, followed by an offer.
On February 3rd, I was listening in a Clubhouse room while I was making dinner. The conversation led to Erik Corzberg telling his story about how he landed a job by being on Clubhouse.
Less than three weeks later, the offer came. This career move was a reinvention for Erik based on personality and transferable skills.
Erik will be a Commercial Sales Rep for SecurityScorecard, an organization that protects tech companies from hackers by managing their global cybersecurity risks.
Over the last ten years, Erik grew a staffing business from zero to $4M in sales by closing deals with companies like Google, Facebook, and Apple. When COVID hit, business was not as plentiful.
Erik had developed a keen interest in Software as a Service (Saas). He had a pretty good knowledge of technology and applications and thought it would be a perfect move in his career to sell software.
Last year, he spent a lot of time engaging on LinkedIn to make connections, create content, and he posted every day. Also, he set up many Zoom coffees with others who were out of work and with people employed in SaaS.
Erik noted that in the last four weeks, lightbulbs kept going off in his head. He became highly motivated in his job search and read books, listened to podcasts, and immersed himself in circles of people in sales and SaaS, especially in Clubhouse rooms.
One night, he met some folks on Clubhouse and, a week later, these individuals were in the same room when he announced he was looking for a job in SaaS. Someone else mentioned they were looking to hire. Erik was immediately supported by his new Clubhouse friends in this room of only about 20 people. By speaking up, he had an offer for an 8 AM interview the next morning.
This situation is remarkable, as Erik has only been on Clubhouse for a month. He had spent about 10 to 20 hours a week on this voice-only platform, continuing to network, not knowing if he would land a job or not.
He felt he needed to keep on going and continue to be positive while listening to many conversations by the “brilliant and wonderful people” he met.
He took lots of notes from the sales, management, and motivation tips people shared. Another strategy he used was to follow every person in the room and then tapped on the bell on their profile so he could choose to be notified when that person spoke “always.” “sometimes,” and “never ever.”
After the room concluded, Erik followed up on LinkedIn, connecting with all the people in the room. Then he took it a step further and created custom 30-second videos on Vidyard and sent them out to some people he met and before any interview.
This brilliant 30 second video technique is what we learned from one of our previous speakers, Trevor Houston. Follow his #whoyaknow hashtag and join in on his show.
A tip Erik wanted to share is to make sure you thank people for their time. Also, thank them even if you get a call back when they note you were not the company’s first choice. With a gracious thank you, it may keep the communications open for the future.
Other tips he offered was to negotiate your salary and never undervalue yourself.
If you need to learn more about Clubhouse, read this and this, which are the previous two week’s articles. Please note that the first article was incorrectly published as Are You Part of LinkedIn’s Clubhouse? and should have been Are You Part of LinkedIn’s Clubhouse Conversation?
If you are not on Clubhouse and seek a job or clients, maybe it’s time to download that app if you have an iPhone or an iPad and follow the #clubhouse hashtag on LinkedIn.
If you are on Clubhouse and want to hear Erik’s story, he will moderate a room on Friday, February 5, 2021 at 3 PM EST. Click for the link.
If you need to learn more about LinkedIn, sign up for the third Saturday of the month for a three house workshop on Zoom.
Don’t miss our upcoming featured events (best viewed on a desktop). If you are a working adult, come learn and network with us. You can also view events on a Google doc and on meetup.
- 2/5 Fri Interviewing Techniques
- 2/8 Mon Career Success Group
- 2/8 Mon Blogging to Build Your Brand
- 2/9 Tues Networking for Your Job Search & Consulting Success at BENG
- 2/9 Tues How to Put Your Virtual Best Foot Forward
- 2/9 Tues Business Executives Networking Group (BENG)
- 2/10 Wed PowerThinking Resiliency Building Call-In
- 2/10 Wed Five LinkedIn Mistakes & How to Fix Them
- 2/10 Wed Business Executives Networking Group (BENG)
- 2/11 Thurs Career Success Group
- 2/11 Thurs Medicare Basics Lunch & Learn
- 2/11 Thurs Virtual Jobseeker Support Meeting
- 2/12 Fri Interviewing Techniques
- 2/13 Sat To Survive & Thrive After a Job Loss AFFILIATE EVENT
- 2/13 Sat Working with Your Shadow AFFILIATE EVENT
- 2/15 Mon Career Success Group
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